Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten zum Förderschwerpunkt SURE und zu den Aktivitäten der beteiligten Projekte in Deutschland und Asien.
Here you will find news about the SURE funding priority and the activities of the participating projects in Germany and Asia.
Handbook for Green Housing and Healthy Living
The publication of the 2nd updated edition of the Handbook for Green Housing and Healthy Living was published through the…
Urban-Rural Assembly: A Handbook for Co-Visioning Interconnected Regions
The Sino-German research project Urban-Rural Assembly (URA) published a handbook offering fresh perspectives, practical insights, and actionable recommendations for sustainable…
Discover the First Issue of PolyUrbanWaters Periodical: “Living with Water”
The first issue of PolyUrbanWaters Periodical "Living With Water" explores emerging topics at the interface of urban planning and urban…
PolyUrbanWaters 2. Symposium at the Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok
PolyUrbanWaters hosted a Symposium from 24-27 September in Bangkok. The four-day conference brought together 32 representatives from partner cities and national…
Visioning the climate resilient future of Thừa Thiên Huế Province Province – Integrating climate change adaptation & flood risk reduction in administrative action
On August 8, 2024, the Huế International School of Huế University, together with the Commanding Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention…
New publication by URA: A Reflection on the Implementation of a Waterfront Greenway from a Social–Ecological Perspective: A Case Study of Huangyan-Taizhou in China
In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the importance of ecological systems, leading to increased research on how…
New Publication: Risk reduction through managed retreat? Investigating enabling conditions and assessing resettlement effects on community resilience in Metro Manila
The publication examines factors contributing to community resilience in various resettlement projects in Metro Manila, where many informal households live…
Visit to DGNB certified neighbourhoods as part of the Build4People delegation trip “Urban Sustainability Best Practices in Germany”
On 06 June 2024, the 5th day of the Build4People delegation trip “Urban sustainability best practices in Germany”, the main activity…
All hands on deck – integrated and sustainable Urban Planning Practices and Climate Action…
... was the title of the special session at the 59th ISOCARP Conference in Toronto at the beginning of October.…
BMBF Networking Workshop Sustainable Urban Regions and LIRLAP Research in Manila
Together with Prof. Dr Mathias Garschagen, Dr Barbara Demeterova, Liss Bethany and PhD student Lena Grobusch (all LMU Munich) as…
The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research project successfully hosted a special track at the IFKAD conference in Matera, Italy
The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research (SURE FSR) team hosted a special track ‘Affecting the River of Knowledge in Sustainability:…
Presentation of empirical results of Build4People Work Package “Urban Green Infrastructures” at the International Forum for Geoinformatics 2023, Salzburg, Austria
Gulam Mohiuddin, Build4People WP# 4 Research Associate and Prof. Dr Jan-Peter Mund, Build4People WP# 4 Leader, both from Eberswalde University…
Introduction of Build4People’s transition management approaches at the Smart Urban Areas Conference, TU Dortmund
On 4 July 2023, the Build4People representative, Dr. Michael Waibel, provided insights into green housing and healthy living – based,…
Build4People Mid-term Reflection – Outlook Discussion Meeting 2023
On 29 June 2023, the German Build4People team members virtually met for their bi-annual mid-term reflection and outlook discussion meeting.…
Building Incubator: Interviews with participants
The project partner, the Impact Hub Phnom Penh, has created a new video clip which shows interviews with the participants,…
Open Access Publication on Phnom Penh’s building system and potential transition pathways
Thanks to a grant from the University of Hamburg Open Access Fund, a recent detailed analysis on Phnom Penh’s building system…
Project visit to Chiang Mai
In the beginning of December 2022, two researchers of Fraunhofer IEE in Kassel visited Chiang Mai. One objective of their…
German-Vietnamese Science Day in Da Nang
From April 26 to 28, the “German-Vietnamese Science Day” organized by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)…
Promising discussions at Impact Hub’s Unnovation Garage to prepare for 2nd Build4People Sustainable Building Arena
On 28 February 2023, members of the so called Build4People Transition Team met to discuss the design of the…
Vision Building process for a water sensitive Sam Neua/Laos initiated
As outcome of the Base Line Assessment and its strategic recommendation the local and provincial government in Sam Neua requested…
Report about Project Visit to Chiang Mai „A short note on the topic of wood“ by Christine Richter
A short note on the topic of wood by Christine Richter (CHARMS) In July 2022 I went on a…
FloodAdaptVN household survey on flood impacts and adaptation started
The FloodAdaptVN household survey started on 28 March 2023. Until mid/end April, the enumerator teams from HUSC and HUIS will…
FloodAdaptVN household survey on flood impacts and adaptation – Enumerator training & survey testing
To better understand specific impacts of floods on households in Hue as well as their adaptation strategies, the FloodAdaptVN project…
Publication of Baseline Studies for Partner Cities of PolyUrbanWaters
After two years of intensive cooperation between the partner cities Kratié/Cambodia, Sam Neua, Laos and Sariharjo, Sleman/Indonesia and the PolyUrbanWaters-Network the baseline studies could now…
A delegation of German Members of Parliament and the German Embassy visited the CHARMS pilot district of Wat Lam Chang
On February 18, 2023, the School of Public Policy (SPP), Chiang Mai University was honored to welcome members of the…
Knowledge Exchange on IoT in Urban Development and Smart City Standards
On March 10th, 2023, in Bangkok, Thailand, a Knowledge Exchange was held to discuss IoT in Urban Development and Smart…
Meeting between Build4People and Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia to discuss the new master of “Sustainable Urban Transformation Planning”
On 01 March 2023, leading representatives from the Build4People project and from the Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia met to discuss…
Luncheon to connect Build4People with donor organizations supported by German Embassy at Hyatt- Regency Hotel, Phnom Penh
On 01 March 2023, the German embassy in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia invited representatives from international donor organisations…
Fruitful exchange of Build4People researchers with representatives of the Department for Green Economy at the National Council for Sustainable Development of Cambodia
On 28 February 2028, the Build4People team members Rolf Messerschmidt, Leader of Work Package “Sustainable Neighbourhoods”, Prof Dr Dirk Schwede,…
Promising discussions at Impact Hub’s Innovation Garage to prepare for 2nd Build4People Sustainable Building Arena
On 28 February 2023, members of the so called Build4People Transition Team met to discuss the design of the…
Publication of URA Periodical Issue #2: Dialogues
The URA periodical is an annual open-access publication, which will accompany the Sino-German research and development project Urban-Rural Assembly. By…
Fieldwork activities in Chiang Mai
In the week of 28th November to 2nd December, Fraunhofer and the School of Public Policy (SPP) at Chiang Mai…
2022 Reflection / 2023 Outlook Meeting of Build4People Team
On 16 December 2022, the bi-annual internal reflection meeting of the Build4People team took place which was also used to…
GreenCityLabHuế advocating for Green-blue Infrastructure in Huế
Huế is already one of the greenest cities in Vietnam and local decision-makers are mostly aware of the benefits of…
Project Update 16 – Integrated Stormwater Management: Learnings from Hamburg/Germany
Linnea Foelster Hamburg Wasser/German Water Partnership shares with a national experts experiences of integrated stormwater management in context of water…
LIRLAP workshops and fieldwork in Bangkok, Hanoi and Manila
LIRLAP workshops and fieldwork in Bangkok, Hanoi and Manila The German LIRLAP team with participants from the Institute for Spatial…
Case Study presented of Build4People’s Ecocity Transition Lab during Training Workshop organized by Board of Architects of Cambodia of Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction
On 19 October 2022, the Board of Architects of Cambodia (BAC) of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and…
Project Update 15 – Conceptual and analytical approach for the polycentric management of urban waters sucessfully tested
The comprehensive baseline assessments for the partner cities Sam Neua/Laos and Sarihajo/Sleman/Indonesia are now available (both documents will be accessible…
Build4People Work Package “Urban Green Infrastructures”: Thermal UAV System granted to research partner at Royal University of Agriculture in Phnom Penh
During the most recent stay of the Build4People team in Phnom Penh in October 2022, the Build4People consortium leader Dr…
Build4People Work Package “Urban Climate” published first draft an urban climatic map for Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Urban climatic analysis with the outcome of an urban climatic map is an essential tool for sustainable urban development, particularly…
The Winning Initiatives from the Design Competition of “Hue Initiatives – Green Space, Green City”
On September 30th, the Final Round and Award Ceremony of the Design Competition “Hue Initiatives – Green Space, Green City”…
Build4People Work Package “Behaviour Change” contributes lectures about environmental psychology to the PhD program of Royal University of Phnom Pen
On 2 October 2022 and 08 October 2022, the leaders of the Build4People Work package #1 “Behaviour Change” from Magdeburg…
Presentation at sbe22 Berlin Conference „Built Environment within the Planetary Boundaries”, TU Berlin
On 22 September 2022, Ravi Jayaweera, research associate of the Build4People Work Package “Sustainable Urban Transformation” presented a joint paper…
Installation of another Automatic Weather Station by Bunleng Se from Royal University of Phnom Penh
Recently another automatic weather station was installed at the compound of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), Campus I.…
FloodAdaptVN back in Thua Thien Huê
From July 25th to August 4th, the FloodAdaptVN consortium visited TTHue for the first time since the start of Covid-19.…
Participatory Involvement of Huế’s residents in the Design of Green-blue Infrastructures
Huế is a green city. With about 12.9 m² per capita the green space is comparatively high. However, green and…
Research Update 14 – Research and Planning in Sam Neua
The PolyUrbanWaters research team with members from Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Germany conducted extensive research in Sam Neua with the…
The Opening of the GreenCityLabHuế Exhibition was a great Success
The Living Exhibition is one of the key activities of the GreenCityLabHuế (GCLH) project and aims at stimulating discussion and…
VOD News Published an Insightful Article about the Approach of the Recent Build4People Sustainable Building Arena (SBA)
On 13 June 2022, VOD News published an insightful article about the rationale behind and the approach of the Build4People…
Successful Installation of Build4People Automatic Weather Station at the Compound of Borey Peng Huoth, Chbar Ambov District, Phnom Penh
On 07 June 2022, the Build4People Work Package #5 team “Urban Climate” from Royal University of Phnom Penh, Bunleng Se and colleagues…
Research Update 13 – Effective Water Services by Water Operators as Key for SDG-oriented Urban Transformation
The analyses carried out as part of the PolyUrbanWater’s baseline assessment in the urban area of Sahirajo in Sleman/Indonesia show…
Build4People Consortium Leader Provides Input to Urban Design Class at Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia
On 30 May 2022, Dr. Tep Makathy, Dean of Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at Paññāsāstra University…
Research Update 12 – The Significance of Paddy Fields for Climate Change Adaptation
The baseline analyses currently being carried out in PolyUrbanWaters’ partner cities indicate that issues and challenges for sustainable green infrastructure…
Research Update 11 – Financing and Maintaining Green Infrastructure in New Urban Development Areas
PolyUrbanWaters reviews the extent to which green infrastructure developments can be made sustainable in its partner cities. In the course…
Press Conference on the Results of the MSME Survey
On 10 May 2022, the results of the survey on disaster preparedness of micor, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in…
Presentation of Build4People Research at the 7th NEST Conference, Lyon, France, 05-06 May 2022
Build4People research was presented at the 7th NEST Conference in Lyon, France, on May 5-6, 2022. The conference was organised…
Research Update 10 – Valorisation of Peri-urban Wetlands as Strategic Components of Resilience to Climate Change
In March 2022, Polyurbanwaters’ international teams were able to conduct on-site analyses in Kratie/Cambodia again for the first time. Among…
Installation of Automatic Weather Stations in Phnom Penh by the Team of Build4People Work Package #5 »Urban Climate«
The team of Build4People Work Package #5 »Urban Climate« is currently working on producing an urban climate map of Phnom…
Talks with RUPP Representatives to Discuss Build4People Input to Future BA Course on »Sustainable Urban Planning and Development«
On 23 March 2022, Dr Michael Waibel, leader of the Build4People collaborative project, met the Dean of the Faculty of…
Presentation Conference of Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2022 at Phnom Penh City Hall
On 18 March 2022, the results of the Build4People Ecocity Transition Lab 2022 were presented in the presence of HE,…
Visit to Developer Company Peng Huoth, Phnom Penh
On 18 March 2022, the Build4People team paid a visit to one of the most prominent developer companies in Cambodia,…
Luncheon to Connect Build4People with Donor Organisations Hosted by German Embassy at Raffles Hotel, Phnom Penh
On 16 March 2022, the German embassy in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia invited representatives from international donor organisations to…
Dinner to Strengthen Build4People’s Network with Local Institutions Hosted by German Embassy at Raffles Hotel, Phnom Penh
On 15 March 2022, the German embassy in the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia, represented by the ambassador Christian Berger, invited…
Exchange with Vannak Seng, Chief of Staff of Phnom Penh Capital Administration
On 15 March 2022, the team members Dr. Michael Waibel, Build4People consortium leader, Hamburg University, Build4People Work Package team “Sustainable…
Insightful Exchange with Local Administration of Phnom Penh’s Chbar Ambov District
On 14 March 2022, several members of the Build4People team and select representatives of Phnom Penh Capital Administration paid a…
Preliminary Round of Design Competition »Huế Initiatives – Green Space, Green City« finalized
Within the last 2 months since the launch of the Design Competition “Huế Initiatives – Green Space, Green City”, a…
Research Update 7: Start of Data Collection for Baseline Studies in Sam Neua and Sleman
Concerted primary and secondary data collection activities for »Water in the City« baseline studies are now well underway in Sam…
Introduction to the Application of Permeable Pavement to the Planning Agency in Sleman Regency
On the 18th of August, PUW team held the first meeting with the Planning Agency in Sleman (BAPPEDA Sleman) to…
Memorandum of Understanding with Phnom Capital Administration
The Build4People Project signed Memorandum of Understanding with Phnom Capital Administration On 18 August 2021, the Build4People project, represented by…
Forum on Rural Revitalization Entering a New Stage, Huangyan 2021
On 26 May, an international forum with numerous guests was held at the Tongji-Huangyan Rural Revitalization Institute in Shatan Village…
Final Report of the Definition Phase Published
The GreenCityLabHuế Project aims to provide nature-based solutions (NBS) for the city of Hue to tackle its upcoming challenges such…
Build4People Poster Exhibition 2020
Green Buildings and Sustainable Neighbourhoods Aims The exhibition is a tangible product raising awareness on the topic of green buildings…