Forum on Rural Revitalization Entering a New Stage, Huangyan 2021

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On 26 May, an international forum with numerous guests was held at the Tongji-Huangyan Rural Revitalization Institute in Shatan Village in the Huangyan-Taizhou region of Zheijang Province. Under the title »Rural Revitalization Entering a New Stage«, the event addressed scientific and practical approaches of current rural revitalization projects in China and beyond. Partners of the Urban-Rural Assembly (URA) project had the opportunity to contribute with their on-going research and development results. Besides a lecture by the project lead Prof. Dr. Philipp Misselwitz (TU Berlin, Habitat Unit), Prof. Dr. Weixiang WU and Dr. Yuting XIE (Zhejiang University), Dr. Yong LIU (Shanghai University) and Dr. Huang Huang (Tongji University, CAUP) from the URA project were present. The forum was opened by representatives of the Taizhou Municipal government and the local Huangyan government.

