PolyUrbanWaters National Stakeholder Workshop



National Stakeholder Workshop in Lao to present the key findings of the draft of the baseline study and initial strategy development

Last week, from the 22-25th of November, the PUW Team organized meetings in Vientiane, Laos PDR with the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) comprising national government representatives from:

  • the Ministry of Public Works and Transport – Department of Housing and Urban Planning as well as the Department of Planning and Finance;
  • Public Works and Transport Institute;
  • Project Coordination Unit of the Greater Mekong Subregion Project.

And local level representatives from:

  • the Department of Public Works and Transport;
  • Development and Administration Authority;
  • Department of Natural Resources and Environment, and Provincial and District Offices of Houphanh and Sam Neua;
  • Sam Neua Water Supply State Enterprise.

The aim of these meetings was to present and discuss key findings of the draft of the baseline study and initial strategy development. Additionally, an example activity on cross-sectoral urban planning was carried out with partners, focused on urban planning and urban water management needs within an urban extension area of Sam Neua Town. The activity gave participants an opportunity to localise key findings of the baseline study and initial strategy development phase and gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the different requirements and perspectives of the respective participants/sectors concerning the focus area.

A key outcome was listing core capacity development needs for stakeholders and tailored capacity building support possible. The project´s upcoming vision-building and capacity-development activities will be based on the key findings generated during the discussion sessions.

Overall, it was an engaging and productive week, where interdisciplinary project partners of the Project Implementation Committee became more aware of each other’s current and future challenges, opportunities and optional strategies to confidently face the expected consequences of urban growth and climate change in order to achive their vision for a Green, Clean and Beautiful Town.


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Einverständnis Side Event 28.09.

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