World Urban Forum 12 in Cairo, Egypt 2024

The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research (F&SR) team will be present at the World Urban Forum 12 (WUF12) 2024.

The Twelfth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) convened by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) will take place in Cairo, Egypt, from 4 to 8 November 2024. We are thrilled to be part of WUF12! Join us to explore the SURE funding priority and be part of five engaging events:

1. Urban Library Event: SURE – Knowledge transfer for Sustainable Development of Urban Regions
Showcase and panel discussion on effective formats of knowledge transfer in urban research

Date and Time: Wednesday, 06.11.2024, 13:30-14:30
Host: SURE Facilitation & Synthesis Research (F&SR) team
To the event

2. Training Event: Spatial co-visioning and stakeholder engagement in the urban-rural interface. Methods, tools and processes.
Date and Time: Wednesday, 06.11.2024, 09:00-12:00
Host: Urban-Rural Assembly
To the event

German Pavilion Events:

3. Transformative Urban Research for Sustainable Urban Regions
Introduction of SURE funding priority highlighting key findings and tools for transformative urban research
Date and Time: Friday, 08.11.2024, 12:30-13:15
Host: SURE Facilitation & Synthesis Research (F&SR) team

4. Collaborative Alliances for Sustainable Urban Regions – German-Asian Transdisciplinary Research
Highlighting SURE projects and sharing their success stories
Date and Time: Friday, 08.11.2024, 13:15-13:45
Host: SURE Facilitation & Synthesis Research (F&SR) team

5. Co-Visioning integrated urban-rural regions in China and Germany
Date and Time: Friday, 08.11.2024, 14:45-15:15
Host: Urban-Rural Assembly

To the event

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Einverständnis Side Event 25.09.

Ich nehme am optionalen Side Event am 28.09.2023 teil.*

Einverständnis Side Event 28.09.

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