Water in the Neighbourhood. Building Water-sensitive Visions. Participatory Workshops in Sleman, Indonesia


On the 9th of June, the PUW team organised participatory workshops in Sariharjo Village, Sleman, Indonesia to discuss the current state of water in the city – based on the results from the Baseline Study Report – and to develop the first water-sensitive visions for the village. The leaders from 16 Sub-village administrations and the representatives from different local organizations, including women’s organisations, came together to engage in developing future visions for their neighbourhoods through participatory methods.

In the first workshop session, some exercises on the scenario „business as usual” were organised. The participants engaged in discussion and mapping of the current and future challenges for Selman Regency’s urban transformation and their impacts on the further development of the city. Population growth dynamics and a growing number of uncontrolled built-up areas were identified as major drivers of the region’s urban transformation.

In the second session, the participants shared their knowledge about concepts for green and blue infrastructure, water-sensitive cities and nature-based solutions (NBS). This introduction to NBS was followed by a mapping exercise with each working group identifying and locating existing and envisioned NBS. The workshop finished with a fruitful discussion on the concept of a water-sensitive city and its potential for Sariharjo Village and Sleman Regency.


Participatory workshops in Sleman, Indonesia

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