Synergy Workshop 12 »Synopsis process and science communication«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The 12th Synergy Workshop took place on 5 September between 9:00 – 12:00 h on the topic of science communication.

In the first part of the workshop the Facilitation and Synthesis Research team presented their progress and plans for the research synopsis, which outlines key project achievements to support synthesis and create a usable knowledge base. The results will be featured in a dashboard about the SURE projects, which will be showcased at the 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo, between 4-8 November at the German Pavilion.
The second part of the workshop featured Prof. Dr. Anna Kollenberg, science communication expert, who provided guidance on applying analytical thinking to knowledge translation. She introduced the SCQA (Situation – Complication – Question – Answer) framework, which helps structure clear and concise presentations, and a three-level communication approach designed for effective event presentation preparation. Participants engaged in hands-on exercises, applying these techniques to improve their ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively.

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Ich nehme am optionalen Side Event am 25.09.2023 teil.*

Einverständnis Side Event 25.09.

Ich nehme am optionalen Side Event am 28.09.2023 teil.*

Einverständnis Side Event 28.09.

Weitere Veranstaltungen

Synergy Workshop 1 »Introduction and Exploration«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The first SURE Synergy Workshop aim was twofold: introduction and exploration. First, the workshop aimed to introduce the SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project, the concept of synergy workshops and intended to gather feedback and suggestions. Secondly, the workshop aimed to provide space for project partners to meet, explore each other’s work and exchange about potential synergies.

Synergy Workshop 2 »From Research to Action – Lessons Learned«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The intentions of SURE Synergy Workshop 2 were to have an exchange on experiences from previous programmes and projects, to get insights into different research programmes and projects and to learn from each other’s experiences.