Towards Sustainable Urban Regions: Transfer in Sino-German Collaborations
Under the SURE Framework, two Sino-German projects, URA & IMECOGIP and the SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research project, organise a regional conference titled „Towards Sustainable Urban Regions: Sino–German Approaches“. This event seeks to highlight the aspects of transfer approaches of Sino-German collaborations, facilitate the exchange of knowledge, foster international cooperation, and disseminate valuable insights into sustainable urban development. The esteemed Tongji University will host the event, specifically the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) with the CDHK, Sino-German Research Centre for Sustainable City and Associate Professor Dr.-Ing. Dong Nannan, local coordinator of the IMECOGIP Project within the SURE funding initiative.
The Regional Conference in China serves as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange and results’ transfer among Sino-German collaborative projects Implementation of the Concept of Ecosystem Services in the Planning of Green Infrastructure (IMECOGIP) and Urban-Rural Assembly (URA) and local stakeholders. It fosters mutual learning among participants focusing on exploring solutions for transfer into education, the private sector, and governance.
The Projects
- As its name says, the project IMECOGIP focuses on the implementation of the ecosystem services concept in green infrastructure planning to strengthen the resilience of the Ruhr Metropolis and Chinese megacities. By recognising green infrastructure as a carrier of ecosystem services, IMECOGIP creates innovative methods for assessment, considering cultural, socio-economic, and climatic factors. The project develops expertise and comprehensive methods for planning green infrastructure in densely populated urban areas and transfer it into planning practices in both regions. IMECOGIP fosters practical implementation research through collaboration with developers and stakeholders in Germany and China.
- The Urban Rural Assembly (URA) project focuses on enhancing integrated urban-rural development and circular economies in China’s Huangyan-Taizhou region. It employs interdisciplinary research to create a transdisciplinary regional strategy through participatory and actor-oriented planning. URA aims to transform urban and rural areas into an integrated whole, developing tools and strategies for socio-ecological sustainability. It includes case studies in Huangyan-Taizhou, Zhejiang, China, and Nordhausen, Thuringia, Germany, to inform policy recommendations for integrated urban-rural planning.
- Integral to the SURE initiative is the Facilitation and Synthesis Research (F&SR) project, which is dedicated to encouraging the continuous exchange and learning process between the collaborative projects and promotes the cross-project communication with thematically related organisations. The project facilitates inter-project and programme activities and focuses on synthesising research outputs from the SURE collaborative projects. It aims to identify research gaps, create synergies, and develop knowledge transfer approaches to support the implementation of sustainable solutions in urban regions.
- College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP), Tongji University
- Chinesisch-Deutsches Hochschulkolleg (CDHK), Tongji University
- National Science and Technology Park of Tongji University
- Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute Co. Ltd(TJUPDI)
- Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Geography, Faculty of Geosciences
- Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development, Dortmund
- Technische Universität Berlin, Institute for Architecture, Chair of International Urbanism (Habitat Unit)
- HafenCity University Hamburg, Digital City Science Chair
- Technische Hochschule Lübeck, University of Applied Sciences
- TÜV Rheinland Consulting GmbH
- 9:00 Welcome and Introduction
- 9:10 Group Photo
- 9:15 Keynotes: Transfers in Sino-German Collaboration
- 9:45 Project Presentations: Sino-German Collaboration in Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
- 10:45 Coffee Break
- 11:00 Panel Discussion: International Collaboration – Good Practices and Lessons Learned
- 12:00 Lunch Break
- 13:30 Parallel Sessions 1
- Workshop A: Eco-Governance and Eco-Restoration in China
- Workshop B: Collaborative Planning Approaches in China and Germany: Ways to Go Forward?
- 15:00 Tea Break
- 15:15 Parallel Sessions 2
- Workshop A: Implementing the Ecosystem Services Concept in Chinese Spatial and Landscape Planning
- Workshop B: Formats and Instruments of Science-Policy Transfer in Sustainable Urban Development
- 16:45 Tea Break
- 17:00 Plenary Discussion: Transfers from Science to Practice – Takeaway from the Parallel Sessions
- 17:50 Closing Remarks
- 18:00 End of the Event