Pitching Night of Build4People Sustainable Building Incubator at Impact Hub Phnom Pen


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On 28 February 2023, the concluding event of Build4People Sustainable Building Incubator took place at Impact Hub Phnom Penh. In the course of the pitching night, five teams of young aspiring entrepreneurs presented their exciting business ideas in the field of sustainable building. In the end, the winner was AquaBuild – a startup working on making building materials more sustainable and environmentally friendly from water hyacinths to eliminate waste and limit water pollution, especially in the Tonle Sap Lake area. The Build4People Team would like to take this moment to thank everyone for attending the Build4People Sustainable Building Incubator Pitch Night, both online and in person. We are grateful for the support. It was among the biggest crowds in the history of Impact Hub Phnom Penh space. Furthermore, Build4People would like to thank the honorable judges, Mr. Nop Sokhai, Mr. Chansan Hun, Michael Waibel, and Ms. Leakhena Setha.

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The Team appreciate their time and energy in this journey with the teams. Finally, Build4People thanks the funders, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and the whole Build4People team, who have supported and provided resourceful networks and expertise in sustainable building and made everything possible. Last but not least, the team’s thanks go to our sponsor, the architecture office re: edge for helping with the cash prize.

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