A delegation of German Members of Parliament and the German Embassy visited the CHARMS pilot district of Wat Lam Chang


On February 18, 2023, the School of Public Policy (SPP), Chiang Mai University was honored to welcome members of the German federal parliament (Bundestag), together with the German Ambassador to Thailand Mr. Georg Schmidt and the First Secretary Mr. Maximilian Müller for a site visit at Wat Lam Chang community in Chiang Mai. The community is one of two pilot areas of CHARMS.

Germany’s Embassy MPs visit

The group visited two wooden houses, which are pilot buildings of CHARMS. The owner of the first wooden house, Mrs. Ouan, has converted the second floor of her house into accommodation for foreign tourists. The visitors took a close look at the measuring devices installed by the CHARMS team to conduct data on temperature, humidity and PM 2.5 pollution in the pilot buildings. The second house visited by the delegation belongs to Mr. Thongchai, an elderly single man. The group discussed critical issues such as building codes for buildings in Thailand, technical solutions to improve indoor comfort, and incentives for the younger generation to maintain wooden houses after their parents or grandparents passed away. In conclusion, the delegation was impressed by the work being done in CHARMS and the sustainable development of the local community in terms of reducing CO2 emissions and increasing human well-being.

Germany’s Embassy MPs visit

Germany’s Embassy MPs visit

Copyright for all photos: School of Public Policy at Chiang Mai University (CMU-SPP)