Synergy Workshops
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The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project organises synergy workshops on an ongoing basis. The cross-project networking of all SURE members is just as important to us as the development of synergy potential for the entire funding priority. For more information on the topics discussed and the synthesis findings, please refer to our handouts which are available to download on the event sites.

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Synergy Workshop 8 »Cooperation leading to successful implementations«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research team invites all the SURE members to the next Synergy Workshop on “Cooperation leading to successful implementations” taking place on 15 February 2023 between 9:00 – 12:00 h (CET).

Synergy Workshop 7 »Monitoring Impact, Defining References«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The 7th Synergy Workshop will start off with a key note presentation by Dr Oskar Marg, Institute for Social-Ecological Research on the topic "Social effects of transdisciplinary urban research. Findings from the accompanying research project 'SynVer*Z'".  Afterwards the SURE Facilitation & Synthesis team will introduce the participants to the SURE Reference Picture and...

Synergy Workshop 5 »SURE Collaboration Platform«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

After presenting the findings of the previous Synergy Workshop, the fifth Synergy Workshop focused on introducing the Collaboration Platform "SURExChange".

Synergy Workshop 4 »Sustainable Research – Technology Overview and Data Lifecycle«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The SURE Synergy Workshop 4 focused on digital technologies and data management in SURE collaborative projects and within the SURE framework. The workshop’s intention was multifold: it aimed to explore and exchange digital tools (open-source or commercial) and technologies developed and used in the SURE collaborative projects that help...

Synergy Workshop 3 »Stakeholder Dialogue between Sustainability Science and Society«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The SURE Synergy Workshop 3 focused on stakeholder dialogue between science and society. The workshop’s intention was multifold: it aimed to reflect on stakeholder involvement through both scientific and community lenses and provide input and exchange opportunities on external and SURE 10 collaborative projects.

Synergy Workshop 2 »From Research to Action – Lessons Learned«

SURE Facilitation and Synthesis Research Project

The intentions of SURE Synergy Workshop 2 were to have an exchange on experiences from previous programmes and projects, to get insights into different research programmes and projects and to learn from each other’s experiences.